Saturday, March 17, 2007

our focus and pleasure

C.S. Lewis says that

Indeed, if we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires, not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.

That is a true that is hard to grasp sometimes in life. Facing my failures in life, I sometimes can see that the reason for my failures is that I love cheap, easy pleasure. So often during my day, spending time with God is not something that I look to for enjoyment. I want to quick, easy pleasures to enjoy. I so often lose sight of the joy I have found in God. I too easily forget what it is like to communion with Jesus. I hate losing focus.

As a christian, my focus should be on Jesus. If my focus strays but a little, life becomes that much harder and regretful.
It's hard for me to live among people of this world. When the whole world is focused on these cheap pleasures, I begin to be influenced by that without even knowing it. Even the christians I know can hurt me when I see them focused on other things as well. Why do christians talk about video games, or movies, or sports when they get together. I don't mean that those things are bad to talk about, but what about when they are ALL christians talk about. I don't know about you, but i LOVE to talk about Jesus. I like theology because it gives us a way to talk about God by using the resources of our minds.

I guess all I'm saying is that christianity and church is all about Jesus, and our lives should be the same. And that, is one of the easiest things to say and the hardest to do.

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