Monday, June 18, 2007


Discipline is something that I have not implemented very much in my life. I have routines, but I am very spontaneous. I have always thought that, when it comes to my relationship with God, I need to always just “want” to spend time with him. I never thought I should spend time with him when I didn’t have the desire to, I felt it was wrong to do it that way. But I have learned that God wants us to be disciplined. He wants us to spend time with him even when we don’t desire to. He wants us to set appointments with him and keep them no matter where we are emotionally. That is true discipline. I have begun to implement some new disciplines like this in my life. I also have begun to realize the benefits and importance of fasting. Before, I never really considered fasting anything special or worth doing. But I have realized that it is very crucial and important to my relationship with Jesus.

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