Tuesday, August 7, 2007

who I want to be

It seems like I am suddenly learning some things about myself that I never realized before. I can’t seem to figure why I am suddenly face to face with these things. Maybe it’s just because I am in the stage of life where I am making some big decisions about who I am going to be as an adult. Like my previous post where I was articulating a passion of mine. I think more and more that I personally need to live more passionately. I want to be able to articulate my personal passion and give myself to living it out. I hate apathetic people and I hate when I become one myself.

I googled(my spell checker didn’t like that word) Apathetic and the word definition is:

“Void of feeling; not susceptible of deep emotion; passionless; indifferent.”

I don’t want to be like this but I am caught in that trap constantly. Scripture tells too many story’s of passionate people and the difference they have made to spur me on to be a person full of passion.

I have decided what I will ask God for
This is it:

“May my soul run earnestly after you and continually rejoice in and display your steadfast love”

I want this to be my statement, my prayer of who I want to be

If you ever see me doing something or saying something that displays that I am not running earnestly after God or I am not rejoicing in his steadfast love or I am not displaying it please kindly let me know or yell at me, whatever it takes for me to realize it.

P.S. I am still working on this prayer so I might end up revising it again later, we shall see, I am still pondering all this.

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