Friday, August 31, 2007

good advice

If you have wealth, do not glory in it, nor in friends because they are powerful, but in God Who gives all things and Who desires above all to give Himself. Do not boast of personal stature or of physical beauty, qualities which are marred and destroyed by a little sickness. Do not take pride in your talent or ability, lest you displease God to Whom belongs all the natural gifts that you have.Do not think yourself better than others lest, perhaps, you be accounted worse before God Who knows what is in man. Do not take pride in your good deeds, for God’s judgments differ from those of men and what pleases them often displeases Him. If there is good in you, see more good in others, so that you may remain humble. It does no harm to esteem yourself less than anyone else, but it is very harmful to think yourself better than even one. The humble live in continuous peace, while in the hearts of the proud are envy and frequent anger.
- (Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ)


Anonymous said...

copy this link and watch it. this is a really awesome video. I was just watching it and then thought to check up on your blog which = me telling you about the video I just saw and saying I hope things are going well for you! Great post by the way.

Anonymous said...

I really struggle with humility, and i have been asking for it in prayer alot recently. and the line "it is very harmful to think of yourself better than even one." hit me really hard. i used to unknowingly think that it was ok to view myself as better than people who weren't christians, becuase i had christ, i guess. But that isn't me that is better, its just the fact that christ is perfect, which has nothing to do with me. And I am no better than any other christian who may not be as far along in their walk with christ. because i know more only means i will be judged more harshly. And my iniquities are infinite, just the same as everyone else. which goes along with that other blog you posted, which i thought was awesome by the way,
"For the least sin against an infinite God, has an infinite hatefulness or deformity in it, but the highest degree of holiness in a creature, has not an infinite loveliness in it: and therefore the loveliness of it is as nothings, in comparison of the deformity of the least sin"

I don't want humility to be an ephemeral experience, but a state of mind. It hurts when God has to knock me down because i am so prideful. I want to remain humble so I can be free of envy and condescending arrogance.

-kayla :)