Wednesday, November 25, 2009

where is home?

I grew up in the same city and the same house from birth until at 18 when I went off to college. It is thanksgiving week so I have gone back to my old city, my old house to spend time with my family over the holiday. It is always such a strange experience to get settled in a place and then try to return to the place you once called home. It is a partial identity crisis I think. So much of our identity tends to get wrapped up in where we live, who we live with. A change in these parameters of living is strange and hard to deal with. I question who I am a little bit. I question what it will be like after finishing college to be living completely on my own, maybe even being responsible for taking care of a wife. But this is an identity crisis that I cherish. It makes me step back and think about who I really am. It draws me closer to my father who is the king of the universe and has given me a new identity, a new home. This is a home in which I have actually never been to, but yet a home I long for.

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