Saturday, November 15, 2008

kingdom epiphany

Jesus came two millenniums ago and proclaimed a kingdom. He preached the idea that the Kingdom of Yahweh was here. And the reality of this just dawned on me tonight in a new way while I was reading Matthew. God's kingdom is now. Now is the time. I do believe in a future kingdom, where Jesus will return to earth in bodily form and recreate earth, but the kingdom here and now is what will affect the future kingdom. I think Christian like to get caught up in morality and "living right". We get obsessed with being "good" when that means nothing unless it goes hand in hand with being a servant in the Kingdom. I have been struggling with uncertainty about what God wants me to do in certain aspects of my life but I feel like this sheds new light. Yahweh is calling me to pursue him and live for his kingdom and he will take care of the rest. I can be patient and trust God to be in control of my life. I can surrender control of my life to him. I know this might all sound very basic and simple, especially to those of you who grew up in a Christian church, but it has a renewed meaning to me right now. There is so much freedom in a life where proclaiming the reality of the Kingdom is all that life is about. My relationships are about showing the kingdom, my schooling is about showing the kingdom, my leisure is about showing the kingdom, my morality is about showing the kingdom, my money is about showing this kingdom, my time is about showing this kingdom, etc. I have noticed that it is such a struggle for me to living every hour with this kingdom in mind. There is still a part of me that is living for my own desires. I want the high calling of being a Kingdom servant to break me free from this.

"If Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and I believed it, would it be possible for me to proceed upon ambitions and desires that were more important to me than the ushering-in of that Kingdom?" -Nate(

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