Monday, November 17, 2008

the paradox I live by

I feel like I need to clarify some things. The name of my blog is "reverence of the mysterious" and I want to explain the title and what it means to me. I would like say that I do not subscribe to the popular belief today that God is a great mystery that cannot be known with certainty. I believe in certainty. I think that is what makes Yahweh unique among other "gods". He has chosen to reveal himself. The reason we have the Bible is because God chose to reveal himself through human words. God is knowable and I do not buy into the false humility that comes with admitting that you are uncertain of all your theology. However, I am only 18 years old as I write this and I am uncertain about many of my beliefs and theology. I am at the stage of life where I am just starting to learn about who God is and exploring and defining what I believe. But I believe this journey will lead me somewhere and it will lead me to a place where I can define assuredly some things that I believe about God.

But in all this I would like to point out the reality that God is beyond human understanding and this is what makes God beautiful to me. He is mysterious and wonderful and I love exploring the things about him that I know I will never fully understand. So here is the paradox I live by: God is knowable and I can have certainty about what he reveals about himself in scripture yet God is also mysterious and beyond me and there are many things I cannot know about him. So my blog title means that I can know things about God, his character, how he relates to man, and what he demands of me; this is why I have the ability to stand in awe of him in "reverence". But it also means that He is a God who I see as beautifully "mysterious" and I love pursuing this being that is beyond my understanding.

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